Qurs Rehmin
Leucorhoea, weakness of uterus


Rehmitab tablet is an all-natural blend natural ingredient found to protect and restore the function of uterus while balancing the immune system . Rehmitab tablet is a famous formula which is composed of iron , calcium and other natural elements . It is very effective in leucorrhoea .


Leucorhoea, weakness of uterus

Dosage & Administration

1-2 tablets 2-3 times daily before meal or as prescribed by the physician


There is no known contra – indication .


Keep out of reach of children .


Store in cool and dry place , protected from light .


Each box contains 5x10=50 tablets in bilister pack .

Side Effect

No major side effects have been observed with unani medicine Rehmitab . It may causes constipation of taken excessive dosage .


Each tablet contains :

Areca catechu ( Fruit )                                                                    106.38 mg

Asphaltum (Mineral part )                                                            106.38 mg

Butea monosperma (Gum)                                                         106.38 mg

Ferric oxide (Calcined part )                                                         53.19 mg

Pinctada margaritirera  (Calcined part )                                   53.19 mg

Hens egg shell (Calcined part )                                                   53.19 mg                             

Acacia Arabica (Gum)                                                                     21.27 mg

Ref : B.N.U.F.  (Qurs Rehmin)