Feniculam | JBL Drug Laboratories.
Sharbat Badian
Liquid Syrup
Flatulence, Gastric Pain, Indigestion Constipation, Exvessive mucus of digestive system and fever from stomach disorder.


Feniculam is a special formulation of several herbs and natural ingredients that helps to control acidity , flatulence and indigestion. It tones up the digestive system as a whole . IT also makes a fine balance between liver functions and gastric activities . Feniculam is safe for the entire family. The next time you have a particularly rich meal, reach for a Feniculam. Its all you need to take care of every day stomach discomfort .


Flatulence, Gastric Pain, Indigestion Constipation, Exvessive mucus of digestive system and fever from stomach disorder.

Dosage & Administration

Adults: 2-4 Tea spoonfuls twice daily after meal or as prescribed by the physician .


There is no Contraindication.


Keep out of the reach of children.


Store in cool and dry place away from light .


450 ml, 200 ml and 100 ml amber PET bottle .

Side Effect

No significant side effect has been observed in proper dosage . Feniculam can be taken by people of all ages . It can also be taken during pregnancy and lactation .


Each 5 ml syrup contains (as aq.extract)-

FoeniculumVulgare                                                   0.18gm

Cordia dichotama                                                      0.18gm

Zizyphus sativa                                                           0.10gm

Cydonia oblonga                                                        0.10gm

And other ingredients                                                 qs