JBL Munish | JBL Drug Laboratories.
Habb-e Munish
Premature ejaculation, sexual debility and seminuria.


Capsule JBL-Munish is a time tested special natural preparation of synergistically acting precious natural active ingredients such as Myrica sapida (Kay- phal ) , Cinnamomum zeylanicum ( Daruchini ) , Mabuya carinata ( Regmahi) , Qurcus infectoria ( Majoophal ), Syzygium aromaticum ( Laubanga ), Centipeda minima ( Hachuti ) , Hyoscyamus niger (Khorasani Jain ) , Strychnos nux –vomica ( Kuchila) , Piper nigrum (Golmorich ) , Piper longum ( Pipul ) , Crocus sativus (Zafran ), Castorium (Jundabedostor ) and other ingredients etc . All the active ingredients are well known for their stimulating and aphrodisiac properties because of their various special chemicals constituents ( active constituents ) . By virtue of extensive research in JBL Drug Laboratories , the unique formulation of JBL- Munish has been developed especially for increasing libido and retentive power , maintaining youthful vigour and vitality , elevating mood and mental freshness . It enhances viscosity of semen , strengthens nervous system and prevents premature ejaculation .


Premature ejaculation, sexual debility and seminuria.

Dosage & Administration

1 Capsule 1-2 times daily with milk before 2 hours of coitus or as directed by the physician.


There is no evidence available on Contraindication but it may happen in patients who are hypersensitive to any of its ingredients.


Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use the drug after expiry date.


Store in cool and dry place away from light .


Each box contains 10x10=100 capsule blister pack .

Side Effect

No health hazards or Side Effect are known in conjunction with the proper Administration of designated therapeutic dosages.


Each capsule contains :

 Myrica sapida                                                                                                      77.77 mg                              

 Cinnamomum zeylanicum                                                                                 77.77 mg

 Mabuya carinata                                                                                                 44.44 mg

Qurcus infectoria                                                                                                 44.44 mg

 Syzygium aromaticum                                                                                        44.44 mg

 Centipeda minima                                                                                               33.33 mg

 Hyoscyamus niger                                                                                               33.33 mg

 Strychnos nux –vomica                                                                                      33.33 mg

 Piper nigrum                                                                                                        22.22 mg                                                                              

 Piper longum                                                                                                       22.22 mg

 Crocus sativus                                                                                                      11.11 mg

Castorium                                                                                                              11.11 mg

And other ingredients                                                                                        q.s